Now after some googling action, I discovered that rompers = jumpsuits which I always thought were meant for anyone under five.... but I now can see the appeal (although the full-length ones still don't quite make sense to me.....:
On the pediatric front......
............ for those of you battling peanut allergies with your kids, an interesting fact picked up in clinic today = the aroma of peanut butter or the proximity to peanut butter will not induce an allergic reaction. Many parents believe that the odor from peanut butter can result in a severe allergic reaction, but allergic reactions result from direct exposure to food proteins (as the food proteins are the actual allergens that prompt the body to react). The aroma of peanut butter is due to the natural oils in peanut butter, and not directly to the protein that causes these types of reactions.
A recent study actually tested this theory: kids with peanut allergies (and apparently very cool parents) were exposed to the aroma of peanut butter at various distances and no reactions were observed. However, when allergic kids had direct contact with the peanut butter, hives were noted in the area where the peanut butter was placed on the skin. Anaphylaxis, a serious allergic reaction that can lead to death if not addressed quickly (aka immediately) can present with a widespread rash, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, throat swelling and low blood pressure, but is usually only present when peanuts are ingested or touch mucous membranes, such as the inside of the mouth or eyes. With that said signs of anaphylaxis can happen 30 minutes - 2 HOURS after the ingestion of an allergen, but usually require a couple of symptoms (not just diarrhea, vomiting which may also be a sign of food poisoning if 2-3 hours out).
Anyway... interesting take, thought I would share.
Jelly to your Peanut Butter,
Sticky KidDoctor